superconducting technology

英 [ˌs(j)uːpəkənˈdʌktɪŋ tekˈnɒlədʒi] 美 [ˈsupərkənˌdʌktɪŋ tekˈnɑːlədʒi]

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  1. Applications of Phase-locked Technology in HT-SMES Power Converter Low-temperature Superconductors Superconducting Technology for Photoacoustic Detection of Transformation Process
  2. Low-temperature Superconductors Superconducting Technology for Photoacoustic Detection of Transformation Process
  3. Application and analyse of the inorganic heating superconducting technology in the oilfield production
  4. The superconducting technology will step into practice in 21st century.
  5. With the development of superconducting technology, CICC is applied in large-scale superconducting nuclear fusion experimental device and superconducting energy storage magnets with unmatchable advantage.
  6. RF superconducting cavities can work at CW mode or long pulse mode with high accelerating gradient. RF superconducting technology is widely used in particle accelerators.
  7. Low temperature provides new research arenas, such as superconducting technology, fundamental physics, etc.
  8. Vertical testing system for superconducting cavity is an important part of the research work on superconducting cavity technology. It is one of the commonly used methods of evaluating the performance of a superconducting cavity.
  9. Presented is the future of the weapon equipment employed with superconducting technology, such as magnetic underwater mines, engines and fighters armored vehicles and missiles, electromagnetic propelling systems and warships, space emitters.
  10. In this paper, the application field of superconducting/ semiconducting compatible technologies are presented first. Then, the architectures and advantages of superconductiong/ semiconducting compatible device, circuit and system are discussed. The research hot point of superconducting technology is also given.
  11. The wide usage of superconducting technology and the development of high energy and high intensity accelerators speed up the researching process of superconducting radio frequency accelerating cavity ( superconducting cavity for short).
  12. It is foreseen that superconducting technology will be the prevailing high technology of 21 century. The activities in the development of high temperature superconducting power applications are summarized and thinking on the applications of superconducting power technology in future is also presented in this paper.
  13. The technology of crystal growth in magnetic field and the application of superconducting technology
  14. Prospects Analysis for Superconducting Power Technology
  15. Progress in Superconducting Technology for Electric Power Application and Its Prospects
  16. Recent advance and future in development of high temperature superconducting power technology
  17. Superconducting power technology will lead the power industry revolution
  18. However, protective technology under low temperature is fundamental for superconducting technology and pulse power technology.
  19. The effect of superconducting magnet technology on its energized characteristic
  20. It is foreseen that superconducting power technology will be the prevailing high technology of 21 century. Its commercialization and industrialization will push the power industry into a new era.
  21. A Promising Topic in the Development of Electrical Engineering in the 21st Century& superconducting Technology in Electric Power System
  22. The study on transient explosive boiling of liquid nitrogen ( TEBLN) enlarges the conventional boiling research area, and plays the role as the fundamental investigation faced to the applications of superconducting technology, liquid nitrogen automobile, and so on.
  23. Researches in superconducting technology began in China at the end of 1960s, and significant progress has been made in the development of superconducting magnets, superconducting materials, and superconducting electronics.
  24. With the adventure of the high temperature superconducting ( HTS) materials, the temperature area of the superconducting technology application rises from the liquid helium area to the liquid nitrogen.
  25. As the continuous progress in modern superconducting power technology has been made, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage ( SMES) has broad prospects in the application in power system.
  26. With the development of superconducting technology, the application of superconducting magnet has won great development.
  27. Since the superconductivity was found more than a hundred years ago, the researchers had spared no effort to make a huge leap forward in the development of superconductors and superconducting technology.
  28. Superconducting motor is a new kind high performance motor which utilizes superconducting technology and material.
  29. HTS motors as a superconducting technology application get much attention from scientific research institutes all over the world. Compared with traditional motors, HTS motors have higher efficiency, smaller volume and lighter quality.
  30. With the development of superconducting technology, its application field and scope has expanded.